Contributions flexibility and the 50/50 scheme
There are 2 parts to the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS), you can choose whether to pay into the main scheme or into the 50/50 scheme.
Main scheme
The main scheme is the scheme you will have been placed in when you started your pensionable employment. In the main scheme you pay normal contributions and get the normal pension build up.
The 50/50 scheme allows you to pay half the normal contributions, but you will only build up half the normal pension. It’s designed to be a short term option when times are financially tough. Your employer is required to re-enrol you back into the main scheme every 3 years. If you wish to continue in the 50/50 scheme at that point you would need to make another election in writing to re-join the 50/50 scheme.
Regardless of the section you are in, you get full life cover, any death grant is unaffected.
Joining the 50/50 scheme
To join the 50/50 scheme you must instruct your employer to move you from the main scheme. This will take place from the next available pay period. You should complete the form below and return it to your employer (your payroll team).